Arne Blankerts (Germany)
Arne Blankerts is working as head of development at the Advertising Company SalesEmotion AdSolutions GmbH in Hamburg and responsible for the technical design and development of internet-based applications using PHP, XML and Mozilla XUL. He is a frequent writer for the german "PHP Magazin" and an active speaker on various (php-)conferences.
Firefox extension
Friday 16:30 De Wierda
Thorolf Godawa (Germany)
Thorolf started in 1985 with hardware development and assembler programming on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, later on with a Sinclair QL (32-bit). In 1993 he got his first 386-compatible system and got in touch with DOS, Minix, Linux and since 1994/95 (after upgrading his PC to 8MB RAM) with IBM OS/2 Warp 3.He worked several years as a system administrator for OS/2 networks at an IBM subsidiary. By now...
Installing an OAMP server - Update
Thursday 16:30 De Kersop
Friday 12:00 De Kersop -
Genmac V2.1 - Current Status
Friday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 11:00 Harba - Lorifa
Evgeny Gorbunov (Russia)
Evgeny Gorbunov is responsible for the production of about thirty software products for the eComStation platform (applications and drivers). He is going to share the experience of the eCo Software team with european users and developers.
eComStation Developer Connection
Thursday 15:15 De Wierda
Saturday 12:00 De Wierda -
Evolutionary Sprint 2007/11
Thursday 12:00 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa -
My Desktop
Thursday 11:00 De Kersop
Friday 16:30 De Kersop
Adrian Gschwend (Switzerland)
Adrian Gschwend is founder and webmaster of netlabs.org. He works as a Unix and network specialist and teaches network security at Swiss universities and companies.
Voyager Project Status
Friday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa -
Virtual Switching Technologies for eComStation
Thursday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 12:00 Harba - Lorifa
Christian Hennecke (Germany)
Christian Hennecke has been Editor-in-Chief of the German edition of the VOICE Newsletter since August 2000 and took over responsibility for both language editions in January 2004. He was heavily involved in the translation of several applications and tools to German, e.g., eComStation, XWorkplace, Maul Desktop Publisher, and NewView. After Warpstock Europe 2006, he became one of the founding...
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa
Uwe Hinz (Germany)
Uwe Hinz has been a member of the OS/2 User Group Dresden since 2004 and is employed at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW). Starting with Z80-Computers in 1985 for controlling experiments in materials science, he made first steps in DOS, programming with Assembler, QuickBasic, and Pascal some years later. From 1993 to 2000, he coded for a number of...
A Freely Programmable USB-Interface for eComStation
Thursday 16:30 De Wierda
Friday 15:15 De Wierda
Andreas Kietzmann (Germany)
Andreas Kietzmann verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Softwarevertrieb sowie im Channel Management. Vor seinem Eintritt bei NetOp Tech war er sechs Jahre für das Softwareunternehmen Sophos tätig, wo er für die Distribution der Security-Software an Großunternehmen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz verantwortlich zeichnete und maßgeblich zum Aufbau Vertriebs- und Marketingnetzes beitrug....
Danware NetOp
Thursday 15:15 De Kersop
Friday 10:00 De Kersop
Roderick Klein (Netherlands)
Roderick Klein has been working at Mensys, the European distributor of eComStation, since 2001. He started using OS/2 when the Warp 3 beta from IBM came out. Working on futher improving the IT infrastructure of Mensys and providing support internally and to customers, he also works on eComStation development, support, research and new projects. He is president and liason officer of VOICE, and...
eComStation 2.0 and beyond
Thursday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 11:00 Harba - Lorifa
Thomas Klein (Germany)
Thomas Klein started to use OS/2 back in 1993 rather accidentally when he came across a 2.11 edition at a shop sellout. He gave it a try and became passionate about it ever since back then. He is probably known best as a long-term contributor of the VOICE Newsletter especially for his development article series "DrRexx or how I learned to stop worrying and love REXX." He was Chairman...
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa
Peter Koller (France)
Peter Koller started his career by designing computers in the early 80's and started using OS/2 at version V2.10. He has been developing applications for this operating system since 1995. From 1997 onwards, he has concentrated his efforts on Maul Publisher, a professional-level desktop publishing application that is constantly being improved by Peter. Besides being one the last professional...
Maul Publisher Training Session
Friday 10:00 De Wierda
Christian Langanke (Germany)
Christian Langanke has been using OS/2 and eComStation for over fifteen years and since then dealt with topics from installation and software distribution via network integration of OS/2 and eComStation systems and applications up to intra-/internet and host connectivity. He is the author of the well-known Wireless LAN Monitor as well as of many other freeware, which is available on his homepage....
Voyager Project Status
Friday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa -
Using XML from REXX
Friday 14:15 De Kersop
Thursday 12:00 De Kersop -
Create WarpIN packages the smart way
Friday 11:00 De Kersop
Saturday 14:15 De Kersop
Michael Oehlhof (Germany)
Michael Oehlhof started to use OS/2 with Warp 3 Connect. Since 1999 he is a member of Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V. In 2005 Michael created an installation package for Apache, MySQL, and PHP called AMPOS2 (now AMP4eCS). With this package and some research work he got the Content Management System TYPO3 running on OS2. The project TYPO3 goes eComStation was started together with Roland Schmalenberg, and...
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa
Roland Schmalenberg (Germany)
Roland Schmalenberg joined the non-commercial use of OS/2 in 1996 with Warp 3 Connect together with the challenge to realize a web-site for a non-profit organisation. Since 1998 he is a member of TeamOS/2 Koeln/Bonn e.V. and one of the founder of the ThinClient-Project using IBM 8364-S20 Netstations. In 2005 he focused together with Michael Oehlhof on the TYPO3 goes eComStation project to make...
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Using VirtualBox and eComStation - the other way
Friday 10:00 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 12:00 Harba - Lorifa
Jan van der Heide (Netherlands)
Jan van der Heide is Certified Systems Expert OS/2 Warp and a member of the HCC OS/2-user group and the Dutch eComStation test and translation group as well.
How to keep eCS components in synch for NLS
Saturday 11:00 De Kersop
Saturday 15:15 De Kersop
Bart van Leeuwen (Netherlands)
Bart van Leeuwen has been using OS/2 and eComStation for more then 15 years. He worked briefly for IBM and then started his own company. Now Bart van Leeuwen works as a firefighter in Amsterdam and in his spare time contributes a lot to the development and coordination of the development of eComStation.
Creating XPCOM components
Thursday 14:15 De Kersop
Saturday 10:00 De Kersop
Jacques van Leeuwen (Netherlands)
Jacques worked at the IBM National Language Support Center in Amsterdam, NL, and is a member of the Dutch eComStation test and translation group.
How to keep eCS components in synch for NLS
Saturday 11:00 De Kersop
Saturday 15:15 De Kersop
Sjoerd Visser (Netherlands)
Sjoerd Visser (1960) is an OS/2 user since Warp 3 (1994). He is a regular contributer to the Dutch Draad/2 magazine. Being a occupational and environmental physician, he never worked in the IT sector. He now works in child psychiatry, leaving him to spent more time to other things. Most of his OS/2 network knowledge arose by trial and error, when he tried to enjoy the integrating (network,...
How to use Internet media streams
Friday 14:15 De Wierda
Saturday 14:15 De Wierda -
Using eComStation in heterogenous SMB networks
Friday 15:15 De Kersop
Saturday 12:00 De Kersop
Chris Wohlgemuth (Germany)
Chris Wohlgemuth started WPS programming with the BubblePad over ten years ago. He is the author of several freeware and Open Source packages like WPS Wizard, Audio/Data CD Creator, the CW Multimedia Classes, JPG-IO procedures, and an USB mass storage driver. Currently, he mainly works on the Netlabs Object Model (NOM), a re-implementation of the SOM technology for the Voyager project.
Introducing a flexible icon engine for eComStation
Saturday 10:00 Harba - Lorifa
Thursday 11:00 Harba - Lorifa -
Voyager Project Status
Friday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 15:15 Harba - Lorifa