Speaker Details
Roland Schmalenberg (Germany)

Roland Schmalenberg joined the non-commercial use of OS/2 in 1996 with Warp 3 Connect together with the challenge to realize a web-site for a non-profit organisation.
Since 1998 he is a member of TeamOS/2 Koeln/Bonn e.V. and one of the founder of the ThinClient-Project using IBM 8364-S20 Netstations. In 2005 he focused together with Michael Oehlhof on the
TYPO3 goes eComStation project to make this great Content Management System usable for our community. Roland was a member of the Event Team of Warpstock Europe 2007 in Cologne, Germany, and became a founding member of the warpevents.eu approach afterwards.
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Using VirtualBox and eComStation - the other way
Friday 10:00 Harba - Lorifa
Saturday 12:00 Harba - Lorifa