Speaker Details
Michael Oehlhof (Germany)

Michael Oehlhof started to use OS/2 with Warp 3 Connect. Since 1999 he is a member of Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V. In 2005 Michael created an installation package for Apache, MySQL, and PHP called
AMPOS2 (now AMP4eCS). With this package and some research work he got the Content Management System
TYPO3 running on OS2. The project
TYPO3 goes eComStation was started together with Roland Schmalenberg, and presented at Warpstock Europe 2006. Michael joined forces with the initiators of the warpevents.eu approach and has developed the wse_events extension for TYPO3 that is used to organize and display information about speakers, sessions, and the schedule on this web site.
warpstock.eu - An Infrastructure for Creating OS/2 Events
Thursday 14:15 Harba - Lorifa
Friday 16:30 Harba - Lorifa -
Quo vadis, Warpstock Europe?
Friday 17:30 Harba - Lorifa